Generates a lending

Faster, Easier, Simpler

We help independent real estate investors and small business owners find mortgage solutions.

Stated Income

Get rates, terms, and estimated monthly payments based on a free no obligation credit analysis.

A Company
You Can Trust

With over 35 Years in retail sales and a strong emphasis in marketing and sales development.

Simplicity Meets

Learn more about our financial platform by calling us to get your term sheet.

You get the best mortgage experience, supported by a team you can trust.

Stated Income Group

Find The Right Home For Your Budget

SimpleFlex Mortgage

At Stated Income Group, we understand the unique challenges that real estate investors face.

FixFlipEase Loan

At Stated Income Group, we understand the hustle of FixFlipEase Loan.

QuickFlex Mortgage Program

At our company, we understand the urgency and specific needs of real estate investors.                          

QuickStart Investor Loan

At Stated Income Group, we understand the unique needs of buy-and-hold investors.

Are you a real estate investor seeking financing? Let’s talk loans

Contact us today for more info on flexible mortgage options that meet the needs of real estate investor and small business owners.

Stated Income Loans

Looking for a high-LTV loan
That's a better alternative to hard money?

Long-term financing with easy credit qualification.

Why LTV is important

Perfect for buy-and-hold investors with derogatory credit issues and high equity seeking quick and easy credit qualification, the QuickStart Investor Loan is available in a 3-year or 30-year term.

Stated Income Group

know our mortgage solutions

Leader in the small-balance commercial industry

Stated mortgage loans for commercial & residential properties nationwide

Experience our financial platform by getting your term sheet

Free quote

Feel free to ask any question to us

Free no obligation pre-qualification mortgage based on your credit analysis.

Experience the Difference Today!

Ready to take your real estate investment endeavors to the next level? Contact our team of mortgage experts today to explore your financing options and secure your term sheet. With Stated Income Group, you can rest assured knowing that your investment goals are in capable hands. Let’s build a brighter financial future together!